The jury is out, San Francisco is better than you.
People, who live here, really do like it. I know what you’re saying. What makes this so special?
They found that Maya Fink, who grew up in Stockholm, Sweden, says things like the weather and the many opportunities for things to do make the city more enticing than, say Alameda, where she currently lives.
“The East Bay is limited, there isn’t much to do out there,” she said. “There’s just more to do out here in the city.” Well that very uninteresting. Great, all this fog and sunshine is probably worse than blizzards and ice.
SF State boasts all the time about how the University has the highest enrollment of out-of-country students; that the campus is internationally diverse. Even Fink commented on the city’s diversity.
“You don’t see this everywhere,” she said.
Are more people from other countries and parts of the nation inundating this city because of the weather? Or is it more than just that?
Could it be the progressive people’s republic that San Francisco offers? Everyone we interview said yes.
Another random sitting down trying to snack on some lunch complained about the homeless population in the city. So not all people like the city.
“I hate the homelessness in this city,” Akeem Little said. Who doesn’t like homelessness? Little did very little to expand on this belief, but he did mention that the city’s image depends on its population being off the streets. What interesting food for thought… He also impulsively proclaimed his love for Michael Jackson.
Arron Trank, who was handing out fliers for Jews For Jesus, grew up in Sacramento and now lives in San Francisco. He says it’s purely the weather that keeps him here. I want him to tell me this on a rainy day.
He says he enjoys going to Blue Bottle Coffee Co. in Hayes Valley. I’m sure Sacramento and the East Bay don’t have good coffee shops.
So what is it that’s keeping and enticing people to this wonderful western utopia? It’s climate, it’s atmosphere, and the fact that you can find a good cup of coffee – apparently.
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